Digital Restroom Signage

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

InAd TV goes to college!

Are you heading off to college and looking to start a business? Are you a parent searching for a business for that marketing major in the household? Would you like to create an income off promotions and marketing?

If so we can help! InAd TV has the perfect employment opportunity for students who want the flexibility of working around their school schedule. Our proven signage networks can provide an income for anyone attending school. InAd TV systems integrate well into the college town environment. By just installing in one location your student can easily make a $1,000 - $2,000 per month of their InAd TV investment!

InAd TV is a TV channel that plays in restrooms. The advertising can be geared to target certain demographic, geographic, and gender based audiences. Your audience, the restroom audience, will spend three minutes or more with your screens. That's an enormous amount of time. Advertisers love to market their products to college students. This video and audio unit will be the perfect tool for marketers. This InAd TV System, your InAd TV System, will be an advertising vehicle for companies wanting to display their message!

You might ask "why the restrooms?" The restroom is an area that has captive viewers. It's an area that can be easily transformed into a marketing theater with vibrant video displays and crisp sound. It is an area that isolates viewers from the hustle and bustle of the establishment. Restroom advertising gets noticed. Digital restroom advertising sells!

Indoor Advertising Facts & Benefit

  • Higher recall rate than other media
  • 64% of washroom visitors recalled one or more of the washroom ads
  • Restroom billboard advertising receives consumers undivided attention for 1.5 to 2 full minutes
  • 80% of viewers felt the ads were more noticeable than ads appearing in other media
  • Can be targeted to men or women
  • The average bar/nightclub patron sees advertisement 3 times per visit

How Marketers Utilize Indoor Advertising

  • Gender
  • Demographic location
  • Ethnic group
  • Education
  • Zip Code
  • Hobby & Interest
If you have questions or suggestions please give us a call 1.877.570.3345 or visit

Building your brand

Are you looking for a change? Are you sick and tired of the same old grind? Is it your dream to work for yourself? If you answered yes to any of these questions, InAd TV might have the thing you need. Our digital restroom advertising displays can help create a business for anyone searching for their own thing.

InAd TV is a digital restroom signage provider who has been supplying companies and corporations with equipment for nearly 20 years. Our clients use InAd TV systems as an advertising and marketing tool to communicate with their customers. The InAd TV digital restroom advertising displays can be your stepping stone into the DOOH (digital-out-of-home) industry. 

The business model is simple. Secure high traffic locations in your city. These locations can be restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, or any place that has customers and restrooms. Install InAd TV units, and sell advertising spots on your network. These ad spots, 15, 30, 60 seconds in length, are valuable to companies who want to target young professionals with disposable income.Our systems are time tested and impervious to damage - the perfect solution for anyone wanting to launch their own TV channel.

If you purchase your equipment from InAd TV, we'll help you develop a network in your market. Besides being able to provide the necessary equipment, we can supply you with the proper contracts, marketing material, and talking points to secure your locations. More importantly, we can lend our knowledge and expertise of the industry to help you succeed. 

Starting a business is a big decision. It takes hard work, time, and money. We encourage potential clients to scout out their market. See who the competition is. Look at their product and take note. Find locations in and around your city that have available wall space above their urinals, real estate next to the paper towel dispenser, or locations with large vanity mirrors. Once you begin this scouting mission you will start to see a business. Restroom real estate can easily be turned into a TV network that will line your pockets with money!  

Locations (restaurants, bars, entertainment venues,etc.) who jump on board with your network will benefit too. By signing up with your new company they will get to market their menu, specials, and events to their clients via dynamic LCD screens that play sound. They can utilize the screens as payment for the contract and/or you may offer a revenue share program. This revenue share program works well with popular places that have large crowds. Popular venues with large crowds are very valuable.

Local companies, advertising agencies, and marketers are always looking for opportunities to present a message to their target market. By creating an indoor advertising network you'll become an asset and ally to these companies. They will want your product and the service you're offering. Your new company will become a spoke in the advertising wheel!

So how do you get started after finding a location or two? Just give us a call and we can help. We will help by getting you contracts that will secure your locations, a quote for equipment, and any collateral material you might need. InAd TV has the knowledge and tools to help launch your new business.

Call InAd TV - 1.877.530.3345 and we'll help you start your very own TV Channel today! 

Need an advertising contract?

InAd TV can help with all your needs regarding indoor advertising. Below is a downloadable PDF link for an advertising contract. The contract will cost $19.95 for a two page example contract. If you purchase at Payloadz, InAd TV will send the original file so you can manipulate the text. In addition to advertising contracts, we have location contracts, non-disclosure agreements, partnership agreements and several other documents to help launch your new endeavor. We also can help with marketing material, videos, and email literature. Give InAd TV a call 877.570.3345 and we'll be your friend in the business!        

 Advertising Contract for $19.95

Friday, July 26, 2013

Indoor Restroom Advertising and Supplies

InAd TV has sold or installed static and digital restroom signage to hundreds of clients over the last two decades. Owners often comment that the restrooms are the lowest priority on the property. Since restrooms don't normally generate money there isn't much value attached to them. It doesn't mean owners don't appreciate their purpose nor does it suggest that they neglect the sq. footage. It just means that the restrooms serve their purpose and nothing more.

Our business at InAd TV is to turn unused wall space, restroom wall space, into valuable marketing property. We do it by putting captivating material in front of a captive audience. Our systems can make an owner/operator up to $24,000+ a year off one set of restrooms. This kind of money can make anyone reevaluate the value of their restroom.

Third party advertising isn't for everyone. Some owners just need a self-promotion and marketing tool. InAd TV Systems can be that tool. By utilizing our time tested products, clients can turn any restroom into a marketing masterpiece. Our units can display vibrant videos with theater like sound, the perfect combination for owners who want to effectively communicate with their audience.

InAd TV takes the guess work out of digital restroom signage. We have worked out the unknowns for clients who want to light up the restrooms. No trial and error here. Just follow our steps, use our products, and eliminate the costly mistake of mounting an unprotected LCD in your unmonitored restroom. Unknowns can be costly if the wrong steps are taken.

InAd TV can assist any business, agency, or entrepreneur wanting to develop a digital restroom signage network. Our experience in the space is second to none. Call 877.570.3345 today and find the answers you're looking for.